Sr. Director, Product Research, Epicor Software

Software Architecture

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Thursday, September 13, 2007

REST by way of SOAP

It’s OK to love REST (as I do), but I try to not let it blind me completely from WS-*. As I’ve often said, choosing REST – or any resource-oriented architecture – means you’ve decided to adopt a uniform interface. That does not necessarily mean dropping WS-*. Unfortunately, SOAP 1.0 emphasized an RPC programming model even though a pure message-based model was included as well. SOAP v1.2 sort-of/kind-of attempted to make amends:

Some early uses of [SOAP 1.1] emphasized the use of this pattern as means for conveying remote procedure calls (RPC), but it is important to note that not all SOAP request-response exchanges can or need to be modelled [SIC] as RPCs.

So, SOAP from the beginning identified two payload models: the Document model indicated that the payload is simply a message. The RPC model meant that elements within the payload should be mapped to functions and parameters.

SOAP also included a basic type system – SOAP Encoding – to help implementers know how to serialize objects defined – as Don Box might put it – in languages that use dots. It had a rather short life because the W3C was about to deliver XML Schema and having 2 type systems in SOAP wasn’t going to be helpful. For some reason, using XML Schema to define a message format was called Literal.

So, SOAP messages could be considered RPC-Encoded, RPC-Literal, Document-Encoded, or Document-Literal.
The WS-I Basic Profile working group unanimously banned Document-Encoded and RPC-Encoded because they were obsolete, leaving *-Literal in play.

But what people generally don’t know is that some members including Microsoft and IBM argued hard to go farther and eliminate RPC-Literal as well. Tim Ewald had said “the message is the task” meaning a payload identified with a namespace URI is all you need to dispatch a call. But others (like JAX-RPC users) argued that keeping RPC and was critical for the adoption of web services.

In an attempt to mollify the RPC advocates, Tim, Don Box, and Keith Ballenger went so far as to write up a spec for mapping object graphs to an XML tree so implementers could align their type builders and serializers using a common interpretation of a message schema. The idea was to standardize an object-graph to XML conversion and include it with the WS-I Basic Profile.

For bureaucratic reasons, the WS-I couldn’t publish it (but you can find it:
USPTO Application 20040239674). BTW, think about how useful that (now patent-pending) spec would be today in standardizing JSON/XML conversions. It might have also helped out these guys [W3C XML Schema Patterns for Data Binding].

So, the SOAP Document/Literal approach was an early favorite approach to web services – and its closer to REST than many realize. It standardized on GET and POST, which certainly aligns with my thinking. The URL for a GET can easily be cast as a straight resource fetch. The URL for a POST is generally cast as a “processing endpoint”, which reflects real-world thinking, IMO (you never really PUT what you GET). That leaves dispatching – invoking the right code when a message is received.

Both REST and WS-* users can tell you it’s difficult to rely only on the value of a URL path to determine how to process a message. Sooner or later, you have to look at the payload. The original SOAP mechanism involved an HTTPHeader called SOAPAction, which was a hint instructing the application about how to process the message. Many REST implementations use the content-type HTTP header in exactly the same way (which technically violates the HTTP 1.1 spec, BTW).

Using an HTTP header value to indicate what your payload is makes some sense if your payload can be anything in any format. But if your payload is XML (or a well-formed JSON array), then why not dispatch the call based solely on the (qualified) name of the root element? The only real difference between SOAP and REST here is that SOAP has an envelope construct and your data goes inside an element called “body”. If it’s a non-SOAP call, don’t use an envelope – it’s OK.

What about the WSDL? Don’t use one unless you have the need to build RPC-oriented proxies for your service. All you really need is a schema for the message format and away you go. If your endpoint is HTTP (if you’re looking at REST, when is it not?), you don’t even need a proxy built for you at all – another reason REST is getting popular.

In my REST work, I’m keeping an eye out to avoid straying too far from the bits of WS-* that might come in hand sooner rather than later. Security is my biggest worry. I don’t want to architect around the notion that transport level security is all I can have. I might need to sign that XML and encrypt bits of it anyway. I might, someday, actually come across an intermediary processor. Maybe that header element can be useful.

Most of WS-* is now beyond my comprehension and I don’t see ever using major parts of the stack because the toolkits won’t support resource-orientation to the degree I need. But HTTP, SOAP, the WS-I Basic Profile, and XML Schema can be useful even in completely RESTful projects. If you want.

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