Sr. Director, Product Research, Epicor Software

Software Architecture

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Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Harry & David

Harry and David (not these guys) are blogging comments to each other about REST. I wasn't sure where to leave my own, so I guess it's here...

David wonders whether widely varying interpretations of REST is an interop killer. Now that is an interesting question. It’s arguable that if two systems have completely different notions of state transitions and URI constructs, interop will suffer and you’re back to writing glue – or pitching for standards. On the other hand, there are those who argue that RFC-2616 has everything you need to be “good enough”, which, conveniently for them, makes interoperability an app domain issue. I think the web wonks have a good point. But it’s hard to know if resource-orientation (sorry) is a way forward unless you first let go of interfaces. One thing that scares the crap out of me is that someone will wire URIs and BPEL together and declare “Mission Accomplished”.

In Perfect Land, you can look at a URI and know what it does. URIs aren’t overloaded by packing the query string. Behavior is consistent and payloads for a given URI have the same format no matter whether you GET, POST, or PUT. But the RFCs (rightly) do not attempt perfection – real-world experience shows you rarely POST exactly what you GET. Also, ambiguities in the specs used to be settled by the whims of browsers. But now those specs are being used to connect systems instead of browsers to servers. I’m not ready to look a trading partner in the eye and say “hmm, let’s see how Opera handles an HTTP 415”. I’ll instead go hide in a closet and do just that.

So, even with the flawed cast of characters you see a lot of whining about – HTTP, URI, XML, and even (gasp!) XML Schema – the pieces are there to build good systems that also make great constituents in anyone’s SOA. The specs, with one glaring exception, are easy to digest. My advice is to start by thinking about a URI strategy that people can follow intuitively. Don’t underestimate the value of a good URI set or the design skills it takes to build. I would also ignore worries about pissing off the Old-Hands of the Web by somehow not using the Web exactly as intended. Their crystal balls weren’t clearer than anyone else’s and these guys do put pants on the usual way (not that I’ve personally witnessed it).

And on
Harry’s point that REST and CRUD, I agree that Tim was simply advising people not to limit their comprehension of REST around entities accessed via GET and PUT. REST resources are like views that may or may not be underpinned by an entity model. REST state transitions use URIs to label and invoke services which may or may not use an entity/CRUD programming model under the hood. I agree with Tim in that the presence of those URIs as links is what actually defines REST – NOT simply that you’ve labeled data with URIs.

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